Open Grad Positions in Visualization


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Are you considering a Ph.D. in visualization? Or some related position (MS, PostDoc, etc)? Not sure who is hiring? Not sure where to start looking for positions? This is an actively maintained ( for Fall 2023 ) page describing some open positions in this field. There are doubtless other locations hiring, but we hope that this will give you a nice start in your search.


What if I like other things besides visualization? The set of postings refer very broadly to the field of visualization and you should look at each persons work to see how they understand it and if your interests are shared. There's also a similar list for people seeking students in HCI more broadly.

I would like to list an position on this page, how do I do that? If you would like to include a link to a position at your institution please file an issue. The positions on this page should confer a Ph.D. (or other graduate degree) in the field of visualization (broadly defined). It is free to post!

I have another question, how do I ask it? Please file an issue and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

Open Positions

We are grateful to Evan Peck's PUI page for inspiration for the form of this page, its content, and its design.